Mathematical Institute <- Chair of Appl. Math. <- Teaching <- SS 2004 <- Lectures in SS 2004 <- Mathem. Kolloquium
Seminars in SS 2004 im SS 2004

Chair of Applied Mathematics


Mathematisches Kolloquium im SS 2004

Vortragsankündigungen für das Mathematische Kolloquium

Aufgelistet sind i.a. nur Vorträge von Dozentinnen/Dozenten, die vom Lehrstuhl eingeladen wurden.

Kolloquiumsvortrag am 15. Juli 2004

Am Donnerstag, dem 15. Juli 2004, um 14.00 Uhr spricht

Herr Priv.-Doz. Dr. Vincent Heuveline
Universität Heidelberg

über das Thema

Über Modellreduktion für zielorientierte a posteriori Fehlerschätzer bei partiellen Differentialgleichungen: Anwendung für Mikro-Aggregate .

Um 13:30 Uhr gibt es vor Kolloquiumsbeginn im Seminarraum S 748 Kaffee und Tee.

Kolloquiumsvortrag am 08. Juli 2004

Am Donnerstag, dem 08. Juli 2004, um 16.30 Uhr spricht

Herr Prof. Dr. Roger Fletcher
University of Dundee, UK

über das Thema

A New Look at Newton Methods .


The talk examines the Newton-Raphson method for solving well-determined systems of nonlinear equations r(x)=0, when the method is stabilised by using a line search in which the sum of squares function rTr is approximately minimized. This topic is important in its own right, and it also has implications for augmented Lagrangian methods in NLP, and for feasibility restoration in filter methods. We look for a method that does not require second derivatives of r to be calculated, and which is applicable to large systems in which the Jacobian matrix A is sparse.

The Newton-Raphson method with this line search can sometimes converge very slowly to a limit point at which A is singular and the gradient of rTr is non-zero, clearly an unacceptable outcome. Powell's dog-leg method avoids this difficulty (in theory) but can converge slowly in the vicinity of a local minimizer of rTr at which rTr > 0 (necessarily det(A)=0 in this case also).

We examine the geometry around such a local minimizer and show a surprising result (to me) about the surface det(A)=0. This enables a step to be determined which is conjugate (in the limit) to the Newton-Raphson step. Use of the step enables fast (but probably not superlinear) convergence to the local minimizer to be obtained.

In a regular situation, when the Newton-Raphson method converges at second order to an exact solution of r(x)=0, the conjugate step is not required. Also some bias towards the steepest descent direction is likely to be needed to prove global convergence, and also to handle situations in which A has multiple zero eigenvalues. Exactly how to accommodate all these features in a single algorithm is the subject of ongoing research.

Kolloquiumsvortrag am 01. Juli 2004

Am Donnerstag, dem 01. Juli 2004, um 16.30 Uhr spricht

Herr Prof. Dr. Yu-Hong Dai
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking, China
(z.Zt. Universität Bayreuth)

über das Thema

New Algorithms for A Singly Constrained Class of Quadratic Programs subject to Lower and Upper Bounds .


There are many applications related to singly linearly constrained quadratic programs subjected to upper and lower bounds. In this paper, a new algorithm based on secant approximation is provided for the case in which the Hessian matrix is diagonal and positive definite. This algorithm is also incorporated with the Barzilai-Borwein stepsize formula and a recently established adaptive nonmonotone line search, yielding an efficient projected gradient algorithm for the general case in which the Hessian is not diagonal. Our numerical experiments on large-scale random test problems and some medium-scale quadratic programs arising in the training support vector machines demonstrate the usefulness of these algorithms.

Kolloquiumsvortrag am 13. Mai 2004

Am Donnerstag, dem 13. Mai 2004, um 16.30 Uhr spricht

Herr Prof. Dr. Fritz Colonius
Institut für Mathematik, Universität Augsburg

über das Thema

Fundamental-Halbgruppen für Dynamische Systeme .


Das Limesverhalten von autonomen gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen kann man analysieren, indem man das Verhalten unter kleinen zeitabhängigen Störungen betrachtet. Diese können auch als Steuerungen (d.h. Kontrollfunktionen) interpretiert werden. Die Limesmengen der Differentialgleichung werden dann zu Mengen vollständiger Kontrollierbarkeit "aufgeblasen", denen man, in Analogie zur Homotopietheorie, eine fundamentale Halbgruppe zuordnen kann. Deren inverse Limes für verschwindende Störungen liefert eine Invariante für die Ausgangs-Differentialgleichung.

Die Vorträge finden jeweils im Hörsaal H 19, Gebäude Naturwissenschaften II, Universitätsgelände, statt. Eine halbe Stunde vor Kolloquiumsbeginn am Donnerstag gibt es im Seminarraum S 748 Kaffee und Tee.

© Robert Baier ([e-mail-Adresse von Robert Baier])
Last modified: $Date: 2004/07/07 09:48:52 $