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HTML Management System

Bernhard Daubner
October 1996


The HTML Management System (HMS) is a collection of tools, that supports the creation of HTML pages in distributed environments. This means that different authors can write pieces of HTML code and store them in their home directories, and the HMS puts them all together into a common WWW directory and provides a consistent "Look and Feel" to these pages.


At the Chair of Applied Mathematics the problem arose that several work groups wanted to publish HTML documents about their projects and the corresponding literature, whereas these pages should have a common "Look and Feel" and additionally there should be some overview pages that provide an overview on these separately generated pages.

Due to security aspects it is not possible to grant write permissions to all work groups for the above mentioned pages. Instead of that each work group write their pages in their own directories and then call the routines of the HTML Management System. These routines run 'setuid btm543' (with previleged write permissions) and generate new HTML document from the information provided in the work group's documents.

The generated HTML documents

Project overview

The HMS generates a overview page with information about the different projects of the chair: The contents of this page is extracted from the files projects.html that are maintained by the individual work groups. For each project the file projects.html must contain a paragraph with the project title as a <H2> headline.
<H2>Set-Valued Numerical Analysis</H2> Numerical algorithms for set-valued mappings are developed, analysed theoretically and tested numerically. <TABLE> <TR> <TH>Coordinator:</TH> <TD>Prof. Dr. Frank Lempio</TD> </TR> <TR> <TH ALIGN=left>Cooperator:</TH> <TD>Dr. Robert Baier</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <HR> <H2>Improvement of Online- and CD-ROM Database Access</H2> <TABLE> <TR> <TH>Coordinator:</TH> <TD>Prof. Dr. Frank Lempio</TD> </TR> <TR> <TH ALIGN=LEFT>Cooperator:</TH> <TD>Dr. Robert Baier </TD> </TR> </TABLE>


Project papers

For each project the work groups can create a file with descriptions of the corresponding papers.
<H2>Improvement of Online- and CD-ROM Database Access</H2> <DL> <P> <DT> Lempio, Frank: <DD> <B>Einf&uuml;hrung in die Benutzung der Datenbanken MATH und CompactMATH,</B><BR> 2. Auflage, Bayreuth 1994.<BR> <A HREF="">DVI-File</A> or <A HREF="">Postscript-File</A> </DD> </DL> A <H2> headling must contain the name of the project (as in projects.html). The papers must be specified in a description list (<DL>) as shown in the example.

The HMS generates for each project a list of corresponding papers and inserts them in the complete paper list of the chair.

Paper overview

Finally the HMS generates a overview page that provides the papers sorted by project.


The HMS commands

The HMS commands can be found in the directory
and must be run on SGI computers (e.g. of the HRZ.

The command HMSpublishPapers is used to publish the papers of the individual projects. For each project a file containing the corresponding literature is created. The file pathes together with the project names are stored in a DBM database. What is more a complete list of all papers is created.

The command HMSpublishProjects creates the Project overview on all projects. If the project description in the source file does not contain a link to the "Corresponding literature", the DBM database is searched, whether is contains information about the literature.

The command HMScreatePaperindex finally creates the Paper overview.

Last modified: $Date: 2011/04/27 16:35:59 $